Monthly Archive: May, 2013

Panoramic photography

A panorama is a landscape photograph made up of 3-4 or more photographs joined together. you would use panoramas to get beautiful sweeping shots of an entire landscape view rather than a small… Continue reading


Filters are used in black and white photography. Filters can be used to varying effects, the most commonly used colours are red, orange, yellow, green and blue. Each filter lets in colours and… Continue reading

The 80’s


A RAW file is and image that is unrestricted as opposed to jpg. To set it on a Nikon d50 you would go to menu picture setting and it’s on the first page.… Continue reading

What is location photography?

Location photography is basically images that are not taken in a studio environment with studio lighting. Photojournalism, advertising, travel, landscape, events and portraiture are some of the types of location shooting that you… Continue reading