Panoramic photography

A panorama is a landscape photograph made up of 3-4 or more photographs joined together. you would use panoramas to get beautiful sweeping shots of an entire landscape view rather than a small section of it.

With a panorama shot you need to make sure that each image has roughly the same lighting. you also need to make sure that you do not capture a person more than once in the image and to avoid that you wait 5-10 seconds between each shot. a disadvantage of a panorama is that if you wanted to avoid a certain aspect of a landscape then you couldn’t do this.

This panorama that I took came out really well. I decided to convert it to black and white and try colour altering the give the image a different atmosphere. as you can see the image gives the illusion of a red filter because the blues have come out a lot darker than normal. This is an easier form of panorama as there is no danger of multiplying the same thing in the image such as people.

panoram 1

This one took more time to create as I had to make sure that I didn’t get any people occurring twice in the image. I took not of the direction of the people and decided that it was best to sweep the camera from right to left rather than the commonly used left to right. The image turned out good with no notable flaws.


With the panoramas you get an almost distorted image in terms of angles not dissimilar to the effect you get from using a wide-angle lens but it is less prominent. To create a panormamic: Go into photoshop then click; File>automate>Photomerge. which will come up with this box.


YOu then have to select the images that will make up the panoramic image.


After this you press ok and then once the panoramic image has been assembled automatically then it will correct and blend all the colours so that they match. then you have to trim the images so that they have straight edges. after this your panoramic is complete.

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