
A triptych is where you take three photos. one is a wide view landscape image the next is the same but you walk closer to a specific detail, and finally you take a third image that is focused on that specific detail. This is also calles filling the frame using POV shooting.

as you can see from left to right I took pictures in one area till I ended up focusing on one small outcrop of rocks all the time my camera was pointing towards these rocks.



Filling the frame:

if you have strong foreground you are giving your image a sense of depth and distance and can be used to lead the eye towards something interesting. it will also keep your eye trained on the right places. In this image by nadav you cant help but focus on the foreground which is leading you to the river then to notice the mother holding her child there.


nadav kandar

as well as this image by fay godwin, the intenition, I think, is to show the mountain as the distance and strong vertical leads your eye towards the mountain.


