statement of intent

In my brief I was told to research the history and technical aspects of landscape photography and for my final piece I would need to take my research and knowledge and understanding and produce a piece related to some of my research.

After looking into My contextual studies I liked the look of the work of Ansel Adams. He has very grand and purposeful landscapes I wanted to try replicate this. I completed some test shots and ran into some problems and decided it was best to change my game plan.

I decided that I was going to go for a mark power style and following the work of robert adams. Mark power would take a map and mark it with three or more positions and then got to those locations taking a photo facing north, east south and west and then see what came out. I decided to do the same and show the differences that construction can have on nature, one way you look you can have a lake with trees and greenery and the next way you look you have buildings or a construction site.