
I decided to continue with my plans to make mark power shots. I went out to take the images and saw that it was not ideal weather but I had to continue anyway. Went to 4 places And took 4 photos for each place and the results where really good.

This set of images is particularly interesting because you have the small alcove in the first one which is reminiscent of stone henge. then all around is just trees and shrubs, nothing else of interest which goes to show that mystery is hidden every where. and as you turn to the right you get an image of a bush with a distracting branch infront of you. I think that this is the most successful set of images of all of them.



Here is the map showing the locations I shot. the are all relatively near each other and have similar surroundings. just some areas have one thing facing one direction and a very different thing in the next location. My plan was to show construction vs nature and found that construction is destroying nature. All the area I photographed are man made as it is in a settlement that was built atop a clay field so construction workers had to plant everything their even te lakes.

this image for example features an old road and an old quarry that was filled in with water.




My overall time keeping for this project was not as good as before. I fell behind badly but managed to get caught up near the end. Despite the amount of catch up work I had to do I think i did really well executing my plans.

in terms of research I was able to follow the work of mark power and robert adams and produce work of my own elements too. improvements to make would be to take the images at different times to see what effect the different lighting would have. (Sunny, Cloudy, night, morning)

I had my difficulties in coming up with an idea as my initial plan was to follow ansel adams style but that didn’t go to plan I did not have an f/64 camera and could not produce a good enough image to suit. but to conclude I think I succeeded.

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